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    Mini PCI Express Card Commell MPX-24794S, support SPI , I2C , GPIO (16-bit)

    Mini PCI Express Card Commell MPX-24794S, support SPI , I2C , GPIO (16-bit)
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      Product details

      SPI Master mode 0, 1, 2, 3 with 1 MHz clock frequency
      Selectable SPI setup time and hold time
      Connects up to five SPI slave devices (CS0#, CS1#, CS2#, CS3#, CS4#)
      16-bit counter at 1 MHz clock rate with control and output pins
      16 bits programmable GPIO interface
      I2C master supports standard mode of 100 kbps data rate
      USB 2.0 Full Speed
      Includes SPI and I2C EEPROM APIs
      Cables with 2.54mm pitch test pins

      Processor Cypress CY8C24794
      M8C processor at 24 MHz
      -40°C to +85°C temperature range
      USB USB 2.0 full speed (12 Mbps)
      0.25% accuracy
      SPI Serial Peripheral Interconnect (SPI) Master
      Supports SPI modes 0, 1, 2, 3
      Configurable MSB/LSB first order
      Selectable CS# set up time and hold time
      Selectable byte-to-byte transaction gap
      Supports up to 5 SPI slave devices
      I2C I2C master operations
      Supports standard mode of 100 kbps data rate
      4.7K ohms pull-up resistor installed
      EEPROM SPI and I2C EEPROM programming API
      Compatible to Atmel AT25xxx and AT24xxx

      16-bit general purpose counter at 1 MHz
      Programmable compare type
      Programmable interrupt type
      Programmable pulse width
      Automatic reload of period on terminal count
      Provides compare output pin
      Provides terminal count pin
      Input enables/disables continuous counter operation
      Configurable 16 general purpose I/O pins
      25-mA sink and 10-mA source on all GPIOs
      Resistive Pull Down drive mode
      High Impedance drive mode
      Resistive Pull Up drive mode
      Open Drain, Drives High mode
      Strong drive mode, Slow Strong drive mode
      High Impedance Analog drive mode
      Open Drain, Drives Low mode
      Easy to work with ADP-GPIO4I4O5V
      Easy to work with ADP-GPION8I5V

      Packing List:
      1 x MPX-24794S Card
      1 x Utility Disc
      2 x MPX24749S standard cables (with 2.54mm pitch test pins)
      Up to two ADP-GPION4I4O5V signals converter cards (optional)
      Up to two ADP-GPION8I5V isolation cards (optional)

      Příslušensví(nutno objednat samostatně)  :
      MPX-24794S  Commell USB-SPI/I2C with GPIO add-on card
      OALUSB-H4-1  MPX-24794S USB Type “A” cable
      OAL-24794S-ADP  MPX-24794S optional cable for ADP-GPION4I4O/GPION8I boards
      ADP-GPION4I4O5V  Commell GPIO 4I4O signals converter card
      ADP-GPION8I5V  Commell GPIO 8 X photo-couple input isolation card

      Product manager:

      RNDr. Jiří Žahour,  +420 602 384 702,  prodej@abi.cz

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      Obchod: +420 602 384 702 Výdej : Praha 4, Pujmanové 1221